

Togo has no UNESCO World Heritage Sites and only two protected areas. The W National Park is in the country's far north, where it borders Burkina Faso and Niger; there are very few visitors as access to this area of landlocked savanna park is difficult by road, but the wildlife is plentiful with more than 140 mammal species and around 350 bird species recorded here. The Siguiri Forest Reserve covers less than a tenth of one percent of Togoland's total area, although its tropical rainforest contains a significant variety of flora and fauna including leopards, pythons and monkeys – though many of these animals can be found elsewhere throughout West Africa. However, despite their relative remoteness from large tourist numbers, both reserves have been affected significantly by poachers who harvest forest products for sale in local markets or international trade networks; illegal mining also occurs within some reserve boundaries. In response to such pressure on their natural habitats, in July 2013 the government announced plans to create five new national parks across the country, covering almost half of Togo’s territory.

Other attractions include the Lomé coastline and beaches which are good for diving——particularly at Pahouin (Makatea) where wreck dives abound due to an underwater ship graveyard dating back several decades----and the small island of Tsolebe near Ameby; hikers will enjoy hiking in the mountains to Togo's highest point Mount Founoukourou which stands over 780m above sea level overlooking the Volta Lake. Other mountainous landscapes make up much of southern Togo where coffee plantations dot valleys that descend towards Lake Togo, once a volcanic crater lake before erosion caused the water table below to rise so fast that water filled the space between earth and rock to form what is now a massive inland lake. This fertile landscape is home to traditional villages made largely of wood and clay where you'll find plenty of cultural activities along with stunning views out over the lake when visiting during dry season (May−October).

Lago Karco was created following construction work on a dam in the early twentieth century, which left behind


2016年,为了实现自己“带着老婆去旅行”的誓言(虽然她并不知情),我决定带她去北美的白令海看海鸥、看北极熊和企鹅,以及去看看那个世界最北的城市——朗伊尔城; 当然还有另一个原因……因为我曾经多次梦到自己在那里生活过一段时间,并且经常看到那里的地图和照片,所以我想在那里定居下来。

